Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

I am committing to posting one picture of each kid (or one of them together) each day for the year 2012. I know that at the end of the year I will love looking back and seeing what the kids did each day, and how much they have changed. I KNOW this! However, I also know that this will be a challenge and day 1 has already proved that, ha!

Here is Hunter riding his Razor 360 that he got from Santa....already annoyed that I made him stop for 1 second so I could get a picture that wasn't a blur (like the previous 10 I took.)

And here is Ella. She isn't feeling well. She has been cleared of pneumonia for a whole 2 and a half weeks. Really hoping that it's not back and REALLY hoping this isn't a sign of what is to come this year!!!!


  1. I LOVE this idea! Good luck! And I hope that Ella gets feeling better. Grace gets pneumonia like it is her fun for anyone. Take care!

  2. woot! mason has that razor thing, he loves it! poor ella, hope she is better soon!

  3. You are brave for trying this!! I would fail before day 5 hits!! :) Hope Ella starts feeling better.
