Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 263

Ella had an ENT appointment this morning...she is now without both tubes in her ears and has a larger than normal hole (because the tube was coming out funky in her right ear) and mild to moderate hearing loss in that ear (though hopefully temperary.) Anyhow, after her appointment we ran home for a quick lunch and then off to school! When we got home she was set on potty training her baby : )
Hunter played outside when he got home....of course.  My mom came over to watch the kids so that I could go to curriculm night at Ella's school.  (I'm a bit overwhelmed by the academic expectations by the end of the year.) Anyhow, I forgot to take a pic before I left.  When I got home it was quick dinner and homework and then Ella's bath.  So this is all I've got of the boy : ) 

1 comment:

  1. Kacey-
    Braiden just had his 7th set of tubes fall out and has a pretty big hole as well. He too has moderate hearing loss in one ear. The ENT and Audiologist recommended the school using an fm modulator in his classroom to help him hear better. However, since he makes A's and B's the school district said he doesn't need any help. Hopefully you don't run into the same problems! By the way, Ella looked gorgeous for her school pictures. Pink is her color! I have to meet this girl. We will be soul mates!
