Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22

I'm working on organizing and getting rid of stuff in this house. I tasked Hunter with going through his things in his room and getting rid of stuff. This is how he does it...make a giant pile and throw away candy that he doesn't like from his Valentines Day stuff from last year (where that was hidden is beyond me.) I convinced him he could go ahead and throw away the Valentine's Day cards too. Hunter is so sentimental, I fear that I am raising a future hoarder....seriously. He doesn't even like to throw away old toothbrushes!

Ella has been playing in her room by herself long enough for her Chipmunks CD to play all the way through 4 times so far. That is a lot of Chipmunks, 17 songs 4 times. At least she isn't stealing the toys I am getting rid of out of the box : )

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