Hunter got to go on a date tonight with Nana, but I don't have pictures of that because he had to sneak out because Ella would be upset!
Ella had a stay at home sick day. She woke up at 3:30 this morning screaming and crying so I went running into her room and she had her knees pulled up to her chest and was saying her tummy hurts and then started gagging and retching, (as a side note, I find it very intereting that Ella has never puked, she used to spit up when she had reflux problems but she has never thrown up. I wonder if she doesn't have enough muscle power to???) so I ran her into the bathroom where she began to tremble. It was quite pitiful. Anyhow I rocked her to sleep and held her for about an hour and then put her back to bed. This morning she woke up with a fever, but no more tummy pains. Ella has eaten 5 crackers today and if you know Ella you know that means she is surely not feeling well because my girl loves to eat!!!! But, no matter how sick you feel you can still appreciate pretty, freshly painted, pink nails!!!
Aziza has NEVER ever thrown up either? Even when she has had rotavirus. Lots of gagging and retching but no vomiting. I have often had the same theory. I hope she feels better today. Please tell Hunter that I am jealous of his new toy.