Thursday, October 17, 2013

2013 - October 17th

Today has just been one of those days. I am tired and haven't been feeling very well for close to a week now, but of course still have to do the mom thing : )  My mom came over and entertained the kiddos while I cooked dinner tonight, which was quite tasty if I do say so myself.  Even though she was here it didn't stop the soccer ball flying through the kitchen (Ella) or the "Mom, mom, hey mom" (Hunter,) even though it gets to be a bit much some times, I wouldn't trade them for the world....but I was looking forward to bedtime tonight! Phew!

Ella was styling Nana's hair, she was amazed at how "soft" Nana's hair is....because typically she has to play with my crazy hair!
They also had a tea party, and Chilly, Bullseye and Frankie were guests!
Hunter had Marimbas today, then came home and practiced his guitar. He was super excited that they received their codes for First in Math today and has already racked up a bunch of points. I LOVE that he loves his math games...not sure whose kid he is...but I love it!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is awesome! Please tell her I say "hello." :-) Oh, and one of Sammi's favorite, favorite things to do when my mom comes over is to style her hair. Now that she's figured out how to twist a hairband on, there's no stopping her, and she takes full advantage of the fact that my mom sits and takes it. LOL
