Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013-Day 5

Phew!  Blogger is giving me fits today about loading my pictures, I didn't think I was going to get them on here, of course now it is 2AM. Urgh.

Anyhow, today we headed to the newish Children's museum Science Center.  It is pretty cool and we had a great time!

Ella got a little freaked out by the turtles right when we walked in.  She was looking at them in the glass and one swam up to her and she scooted away and it kept following her.  It was pretty funny...but she didn't think so!
This picture just cracks me up.  You can't really see the turtle due to the reflection but it began following Hunter around!
After she watched Bubba do it she decided it wasn't so bad after all!
Then we headed over to launch 2 litter bottles filled with water and air!
Playing in water

You got this tire spinning on the stand and then take it off and sit in the chair and it will make the chair spin.
A balancing board...aka Surfer girl board to Ella
Ella annoyed that I have the camera out : )
3D glasses and bean bag toss
It doesn't get any cooler than this!
Checking out some X-rays.  Ella's peanut thumb.
This was hilarious.  It's some mind game where you try to get the ball to the other person's side while using your mind.  I don't know if you can tell or not but the box on the right of the computer screen is Ella's brain, off the chart (literally) wave activity....
and daddy's chart on the left....almost no activity. LOL.  Really the way to win the game is to relax (hince the no brain waves) and sadly there was just no way for Ella to relax.  I wonder if that is how her brain always is in an overstimulating place???  I played against Hunter and couldn't get my waves to go anywhere near as high as Ella's even though I was trying.  Interesting. 
Hunter building circuits
 And gazing up at the stars!!!!
....and now Hunter annoyed with the camera. LOL. 
Finally at home, showered and in comfy pajamas : )

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