Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2013 - September 25th

I picked Hunter up at school at 10:50 this morning to take him to his dentist appointment to have his tooth filled. He didn't have a cavity but had chipped the corner of his tooth off and that caused it to be very sensitive so the dentist said we needed to fill it before the tooth next to it came in.  He is a great patient. They put the "clown nose" (laughing gas) on him then gave him the numbing shots. While they were waiting for that to kick in all the way he did manage to bite the inside of his lip and cheek pretty good (they were numb,) but he's fine.  They filled his tooth and it looks good as new! After that we ran to the mall to get his fake glasses that he has been wanting. Don't ask me why. No really don't. I don't get it.
His fixed tooth...bottom left of the middle 4.
Then we picked this goofball up early (only 10 minutes) from school to go to her ENT appointment for the 2nd opinion on her ear/hearing. (Her usual ENT suggested we get the 2nd opinion from the doctor that specializes in repairing ear drums in the event that surgery could fix her hearing.) As I suspected this doctor said surgery will not fix her hearing and is not needed. But she does indeed need bilateral hearing aides. He did say that he can't figure out if she has conductive hearing loss or the kind that involves the nerves or a mix of both. He said that they just like to know the cause but it doesn't change the way it's treated so I am okay with that.  So, hearing aides it is. I think she will do fine with them, she's always done great with her glasses, I just worry about how they will fit over her glasses on her very tiny ears. We shall see! She has an appointment with the hearing aide people on Monday Oct. 7th.
She wanted me to take a picture of HER glasses and teeth too : )

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