Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013 - Day 38

Ella's day (which really means mine) started off rough again. She had a hard time listening at speech this morning, so when we left I called her Endocrinologist and asked for a blood draw to check her thyroid....she just hasn't been acting herself for awhile now and her thyroid hasn't been checked in 2 months so figured that is the first place we should look. Thankfully Ella was able to pull herself together and do much better at school today, even though she had speech again at school as well as physical therapy. Then I hauled her to get a blood draw after that. So, when we got home and she said "I want jammies and Doc McStuffins" I was happy to oblige! She deserved it!
Instead this kid was a grumpy pants.  EVERY Thursday here lately its the SAME battle.  "I HATE SPELLING WORDS!!!!"  Guess what ME TOO!  The truth of the matter is that he is very good at spelling, far better than me, but his list is challenging these days and he has to do some studying!  Sorry buddy.
Ella did take a break from her show watching to model.
And Hunter got over being grumpy.  He said "you know how towels have tire treads on them?"  Huh?  "Ya know the line at the bottom." Yeah?  "Can I use one as a road?" Whatever kiddo!
Funny kid!
Serious car playing!!!

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